Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year's Day Celebration at CrossFit Asheville

As every year since it's opening, CrossFit Asheville will be hosting a celebration of fitness and community on NYD.  WODs that are scalable will start at 0830 (1/2 hour each) or ForeverFit will be doing a similar WOD that is readily completed by anyone at 1100.  We will then have presentations by CFA/SAC clients/coaches and a Paleo Potluck starting at noon.  If you bring a dish be sure to write the recipe on an index card to share with others.

There's a sign up list at the gym for the 1100am ForeverFit WOD  --  even if you don't get signed up, show up if the mood hits you.   Family and friends are welcome….as mentioned, the WOD will be doable by all whatever their level of fitness.

New Year's ForeverFit WOD
2 mins of work at each station with 1 min of rest between

Box Step Up/Over 
Stone to Shoulder or Kettle Bell Dead Lift
Rebounding or Med Ball Carry
Ring Rows

Sunday, December 15, 2013

"Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty in every age of life really never grows old." F Kafka

Our First Get Together for ForeverStrong

Our meeting on Dec 5th was fantastic with 15 folks turning out on a lazy Sunday afternoon.  Had great fun meeting each other, some for the 1st time and some just getting better acquainted.  We all shared why we came to CFA or SAC and what we hoped to get from the ForeverStrong grouping.  Education, activity, community, and friendship were high everyone's lists.
We plan a New Year's Day event with the CrossFit Asheville community.  At 1100 we will do a workout  and then enjoy community and pot luck of healthy food with the rest of the community.  I'm presently devising the work out.  Will be a blast!! and doable by anyone.
The New Year's Day event will suffice for our January get together so the February meeting will be the 1st Sunday - 140209 at 2pm.  Taking a cue from the previous meeting we'll talk about Defining and Optimizing Health.   Also come dressed and ready to move!
Don't forget the upcoming Whole Life Challenge that starts Jan 11.  Contact if you are interested in participating or just want more information.